Photo of the Day #90

Silly Face

Photo of the day #90
April 30, 2022, 8:30 AM
Random photo from my collection.

When Elisabeth was an infant, our pediatrician told me Elisabeth had a tongue-tie. I never even heard of this term before then. He said she probably got it from Zac or I. Well, I’m the one with the tongue-tie here. My baby tongue barely sticks out. He said it could cause some discomfort breastfeeding, and they could clip it if I wanted. It was a quick procedure, and it would release the tongue-tie. I wasn’t having any problem nursing, or at least not enough to cut her tongue.

Now she’s 4, and her tongue is probably longer than mine. I have to wonder if he was wrong. Did it stretch? What’s the deal here? My two pregnancies made me question and doubt healthcare professionals more than I ever had in my entire life. So what if it wasn’t a big deal to just cut it? How many non-medically necessary things do we all get talked into in our lifetime? How many times are we told to fix something rather than give our bodies grace and patience? I’m not anti-healthcare, but I am pro-body.