LV Zoo
Photo of the day #89
April 30, 2022, 9:44 AM
Random photo from my collection.
This photo was taken on a trip to the Lehigh Valley Zoo in Schnecksville, a Christmas gift to the girls from Ashley and Dylan. It was a fun family outing. I was 5 months postpartum after having Johanna. I still had to stop to nurse her throughout the day. I remember the nervousness and anxiety of trying to figure out where/how I could discreetly feed her so I wouldn’t be gawked at or offend anyone. As I write this, I remember that the LV Zoo has a mother’s room. But I hadn’t even thought of that at the time.
Honestly, I think women should be able to feed their babies whenever and wherever they want. I remember the anxiety of going to a diner for breakfast and wanting to nurse Elisabeth at the booth because she was hungry, but being so paranoid that I just held off until we got back in the car in the parking lot. I admire women who give no effs. I was too afraid of confrontation. I’ve always been a people pleaser and wanted to avoid making any scene or causing myself an uncomfortable encounter with negative people.
It’s quite ironic when you consider when I was pregnant with Elisabeth, I didn’t even want to breastfeed. I felt the opposite. I felt like I was being pressured into breastfeeding and felt like my feelings weren’t being taken into account. I feel silly about that now. But it you don’t know until you know.