Photo of the Day #22 – July 11, 2020

Photo of the Day #22


Photo of the day #22

July 11, 2020, 6:15 PM
Random photo from my collection.

I don’t have a really intriguing or ground-breaking post for today. I always feel like I don’t get in very many photos with the kids because I’m often the one taking them. But here is yet another photo of me and Elisabeth in my random photo of the day project. I’m thankful to my husband for capturing this happy moment, both for me and for Elisabeth. Our friend Sarah came and met Elisabeth for the first time on this day. Her foot is poking out of the left of the frame. I love that she’s in it too. Overall, this is just a happy moment and a memory of a more innocent time as a first-time mom. Elisabeth was 14 months old. To compare, Johanna was 14 months old, the first time she slept through the whole night, and also the first time in 14 months that I didn’t have to get up in the night to feed her or console her. So, I would say “that postpartum feeling” was probably still fresh here despite it being over a year.