Photo of the Day #87

Big Sister

Photo of the day #87
October 15, 2021, 11:17 AM
Random photo from my collection.

I kept my pregnancy with Johanna to myself more than I did my pregnancy with Elisabeth. I’m not completely sure why. It was nice not having anyone fuss over me. Our close family and friends knew, but it wasn’t Facebook official until a month before her due date. I made it a point to try to tell the most important people in person. And, I wanted my older brother to be the first person I told after Zac (and Ashley, of course).

I bought this “Big Sister” shirt for Elisabeth to wear to my brother’s house to unveil the surprise. I didn’t even tell my mom until the morning before we went over (I was already 3 months pregnant!). That was some time in May, possibly Memorial weekend. I wanted to make sure there was no way word got out to him before I told him.

In this photo Elisabeth is wearing her pink “Big Sister” shirt playing in a pile of leaves in our backyard. This photo was taken nine days after I had shared a blog post where I announced Johanna’s upcoming arrival.

Here’s a video of Elisabeth sharing her exciting news: