Photo of the Day #84

Winter Drive

Photo of the day #84
December 26, 2020, 1:20 PM
Random photo from my collection.

I don’t remember taking this photo, but I can see why I did. This white wooden shed against the barren trees is tucked away from the road, and the red “NO” symbol over the black word “WATER” caught my eye. It was taken the day after Christmas of 2020. Elisabeth would have been one and a half years old, and I wasn’t yet pregnant with Johanna. I can’t remember if E was with us, but I have no photos of her from the photo trip, so that leads me to believe she was at home with my mom. So, it was just me and Zac taking a scenic drive around Berks and Schuylkill County.

I remember taking this drive over the mountain and how great it felt to take in the surroundings and poke my camera lens out of the passenger window.  It was a gray winter day, but dry. The route started at my oft-photographed “Beers To You” beer distributor in Breinigsville, which is now a vape shop. The side of the building used to have the Yuengling dogs. We drove all over the through Lynnport, New Tripoli and back home down route 100. I should Strava my photo trips so I have records of my photo routes. Maybe there’s an app idea there! 

It always feels good to get back out there and photo explore after a creative hiatus.