Photo of the Day #78

1st Birthday Balloons

Photo of the day #78
May 3, 2020, 11:43 AM
Random photo from my collection.

Our first baby. Our first baby’s birthday party. Her first balloons. Her first birthday cake.

What a glowing celebration it was, marking Elisabeth’s 1st birthday. I was so excited to get her a bunch of balloons. Her favorite color (or the one we said was her favorite) was purple. She seemed to gravitate towards it, so we went with it. It was such a happy time full of simple joys. 

In contrast, for Johanna’s 2nd birthday party, I felt terrible. I forgot to hang the birthday banner, and we ran out of time to get balloons. I’m sure Johanna didn’t notice any of those things, but I try to work hard to make sure the two girls are as “even” as can be. Even though Johanna is the second child, I still want her to experience her own firsts in their full splendor. 

I don’t want to fulfill the 2nd kid meme:
“1st kid: Has 21 pictures of baby blinking. 2nd kid: Has one blurry picture of graduation day.”