The Hymnal 1982
Photo of the day #44
January 29, 2021, 10:19 AM
Random photo from my collection.
I quite like this photo that I took at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church while I was helping film their virtual church services when they were closed for in-person worship due to COVID.
St. Margaret’s is a place where I spent a lot of my youth. We went nearly every Sunday, and I also helped my mom clean there. I can feel the smooth texture of the wood in this picture. I can imagine running my hand down it and noticing where the wood polish has started picking up. I can smell Murphy’s Oil and dried wood. Every year, my mom and I would wipe down every inch of every single pew with Murphy’s Oil. I can feel the smooth linen book covers and the feather-light delicate pages inside.
I actually didn’t expect to find myself back there in 2019 when I began working on their website. I’ve had a conflicted relationship with religion over the years. I question things, and I have an open mind, which I find to be problematic with religion as I learned it. I can, however, confidently say that Mother Laura is a wonderful pastor. She is bright, welcoming, empathetic, and relatable. I really enjoy working with her and supporting the work that St. Margaret’s does in the community.
I’ve learned to embrace where life takes me and trust that whatever path I’m on is always exactly where I’m supposed to be.