Photo of the Day #16 – September 5, 2021


Photo of the Day #16

Before There Were Two

Photo of the day #16
September 5, 2021, 7:01 PM
Random photo from my collection.

I’m not sure if this photo counts. It was taken with our Panasonic Lumix, which is typically Zac’s go-to camera, although I’ve been forcing myself to use it more. So, I may not have actually taken this photo.

I see the wash basket behind Elisabeth, so I don’t know if she was helping fold the clean laundry, or helping to empty the clean laundry. Her hair is so short here. Those memories are beginning to get hazy. When I tried so hard to hold onto the moments and I thought I was soaking it all in, it turns out I’m no exception to time’s thievery. If only we could close our eyes and be for a moment in those snapshots we took and feel them in real time. There is a distinctive “before Johanna” period–when we only had one child. It feels like a false memory. It feels as if it’s always been “Elisabeth and Johanna.” I’m glad to have photos like these to recall the innocence of Elisabeth and the period of “one.”